Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–present

Assistant Professor, Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–present

Director, Feminist Technocultures Lab, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications and College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, 2024–present

Editorial Board Member, Big Data & Society, 2021–present



Assistant Professor of Social Media and Digital Cultures, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, and affiliated faculty of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, 2020–2022

Director of the Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Florida Atlantic University, 2021–22



PhD, 2020, Cultural Studies, University of California, Davis, Designated Emphasis: Science and Technology Studies

Dissertation: “Environmental Order: Making and Securing Ecosystems from Nuclear to Cyber,” under the direction of Caren Kaplan (chair), Javier Arbona, Simone Browne, and Marisol de la Cadena

MA, 2014, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Georgia State University

Thesis: “Performing Specters of Imperialism: Affect, Terror, and the Body in Ava Mir's The Cinco Sanders Show,” under the direction of Amira Jarmakani (advisor), Tiffany King, and Susan Talburt

BA, 2009, magna cum laude, Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Carolina Upstate 



Award Recipient, Outstanding Alumni 2024, Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, presented at the WGS South Annual Conference, University of South Carolina Upstate, March 2024

Co-PI, Mapping Transnational Histories of Surveillance Technologies, Expertise, and Institutional Exchanges between Southeast Asia and the Appalachian United States, College of Information Sciences and Technology Seed Grant, 2023–24, $34,000

Research Thrust Lead, Public Interest Technology Research Thrust, Center for Smart Streetscapes (CS3), National Science Foundation Gen-4 Engineering Research Center, September 2022, $26 million

·       Subaward PI, NSF Engineering Research Center for Smart Streetscapes, Florida Atlantic University, 2022–2023, $28,675

·       Public Interest Technology Research Lead, 2021–2023

Faculty Fellow, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, Spring 2022, semester-long release from teaching and an award of $8,750 for program development

Provost’s Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of California, Davis, 2019–2020, $25,000

Student Travel Award, Society for American City and Regional Planning History 18th National Conference on Planning History, Arlington, VA, November 2019, $200

Graduate Studies Travel Award, Graduate Studies, University of California, Davis, Spring 2019, $1,000

Humanities Program Graduate Summer Fellowship, Humanities Program, University of California, Davis, Summer 2018, $3,002.46

Mellon Summer Research Fellowship, Mellon Research Initiative: Comparative Border Studies, University of California, Davis, Summer 2017, $3,000

Travel Grant, Social Heterogeneity Workshop: Civil War, UC Humanities Research Institute

(UCHRI), University of California, Irvine, 2017, cost of travel and lodging

Mellon Graduate Research Fellow, Surveillance Democracies, John E. Sawyer Seminar on the Comparative Study of Cultures, University of California, Davis, 2015–2016, $20,000

Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies (HArCS) Summer Fellowship, University of California, Davis, 2015, $5,000

Graduate Scholars Fellowship, University of California, Davis, 2014–2015, $25,000



“Sensing the Cyber Ecosystem: Politics of Remediation in the Liberal Security State,” manuscript under review.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“Encountering Ethnographic Gestures: Reflections on the Banality of Cybersecurity and STS Ethnographies of Practice.” In States of Surveillance: Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice, eds. Maya Avis, Daniel Marciniak, and Maria Sapignoli. London: Routledge, 2024.

“The Fungible Terrorist: Abject Whiteness, Domestic Terrorism, and the Multicultural Security State.” Co-authored with Lisa Bhungalia. In “Global Counterinsurgency and the Police-Military Continuum,” ed. Stuart Schrader. Special issue, Small Wars & Insurgencies 33, no. 4–5 (2022): 902–925.

“Cyber-Insecurities and Racialized Threat in the Embattled Urban Ecosystem.” In Insecurity, edited by Richard Grusin, 139–164. University of Minnesota Press, 2022.

“Securing Nature's Return: Environmental Policing and Ecosystem Ecology at the Savannah River Site Nuclear Reservation.” In Violent Order: Essays on the Nature of the Police, edited by David Correia and Tyler Wall, 103–124. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2021.

“Shadows of War, Traces of Policing: The Weaponization of Space and the Sensible in Preemption.” In Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life, edited by Ruha Benjamin, 85–106. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019.

“Drones as ‘Atmospheric Policing’: From US Border Enforcement to the LAPD.” Co-authored with Caren Kaplan. Public Culture 31, no. 3 (2019): 419–445.  

“(Im)Material Terror: Incitement to Violence Discourse as Racializing Technology in the War on Terror.” In Life in the Age of Drone Warfare, edited by Lisa Parks and Caren Kaplan, 112–133. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017.

“Ghost Photography in the War on Terror: Manadel al-Jamadi and the Shadow of Surveillance.” Media Fields Journal 11 (2016): 1–8.


Editorially Reviewed Publications

“Data-Driven Policing and the Colonial Database.” In Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement & Resistance, edited by The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project. Oakland, CA, 223–228: PM Press, 2021.  

“Intervention Symposium: Introduction to Algorithmic Governance.” Co-authored with Jeremy Crampton. Antipode. May 2017. 

“Protocological Violence and the Colonial Database.” Antipode. May 2017. 


Book Reviews

“Review: An Imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances in the War on Terror by Amira Jarmakani.” Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 24, no. 5 (2017): 748–750.


Edited Special Issue Sections and Volumes, Print and Online

“Computational Environments.” Special issue. Verge: Studies in Global Asias. Coedited with Cindy Lin and Tina Chen, expected publication Fall 2026.

“Incomputable States.” Special issue, Social Text. Co-edited with Rebecca Uliasz, invited revised prospectus under review.

Antipode Intervention Symposium, “Algorithmic Governance.” Antipode. May 2017.


In-progress Works

“Intimacies in the Irradiated Archive,” article manuscript in progress


Conference, Symposia, and Event Organization

Mini-Conference Co-organizer, “Black Trans Feminism: A Book Celebration with Marquis Bey,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, April 2022.

Mini-Conference Organizer and Discussant, “World-Making,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and PJHR Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, April 2022.

Mini-Conference Organizer and Discussant, “Technologies / Infrastructures,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and PJHR Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, March 2022.

Mini-Conference Organizer and Discussant, “Forgotten Places,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and PJHR Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, March 2022.

Workshop Organizer and Discussant, “Concept Hacking: GPS Ankle Monitors with Nicole Morse,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, to be held February 2022.

Workshop Organizer and Discussant, “Concept Hacking: The Humanitarian Drone with Kate Chandler,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, November 2021.

Organizer and Discussant, “Digital Legacies of the War on Terror,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, November 2021.

Workshop Organizer and Discussant, “Concept Hacking: Ambient Technology for Analyzing Pedestrian Mobility Patterns in Urban Environments with Jason Hallstrom,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, October 2021.

Workshop Co-organizer and Facilitator, “Epistemic Agency, Pedagogical Practices, and Hungers for Justice: A Workshop with 2021 James Blaut Award Winner Richa Nagar Co-facilitated by Efadul Huq and Andrea Miller,” Socialist and Critical Geography Specialty Group, April 2021.

Forum Co-organizer and Moderator, “Ban the Box @ FAU? A Townhall,” Faculty Working Group in Mass Incarceration and Education, Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights, Florida Atlantic University, April 2021.

Symposium Co-organizer, “Eyes in the Skies: Drones and the Politics of Distance Warfare,” University of California, Davis, April 2016.

Symposium Co-organizer, “Inhabiting Containment.” The Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life, Georgia State University, February 2015.

Symposium Co-organizer, “Queering the Quotidian: Differential and Contested Spaces Within Neoliberalism.” The Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life, Georgia State University, March 2014.

Symposium Co-organizer, “Critical Geographies, Spatial Theory and Everyday Life: A Symposium.” Georgia State University, March 2013.



Invited Presentations

Invited Speaker, “Patterns and Implications of the Violence in Gaza,” Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and Communication Arts and Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University April 2024

Invited Speaker, “Sense-making through Simulation: Architectures and Aesthetics of the Cyber Ecosystem,” “The Return of Matter” series, Performing Identity Studies Research Group, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, March 2023

Invited Speaker, “The Cyber Ecosystem as Remediating Archive,” Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University, October 2022

Invited Speaker, “The Tear and the Shrug: Gestural Politics and the Banal Police Power of Cybersecurity,” Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications and Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, March 2022

Invited Speaker, “Organized Abandonment in the Cyber Ecosystem,” Culture and Politics, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, April 2021

Invited Speaker, “Abolition Geographies of the Cyber Ecosystem,” “Where do we go from here?: Feminist Approaches to Anti-Blackness” speaker series, Women’s Studies, Colgate University, February 2021

Invited Speaker, “Governing Race in the Cyber Ecosystem,” School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, February 2020

Invited Speaker, “Governing Race in the Urban Ecosystem,” Department of Leadership and Integrative Studies, Kennesaw State University, January 2020


Conference Presentations 

Roundtable Organizer, Chair, and Participant, “Internets of Interruption and Resistance,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2025, under consideration

“Political Urgencies and the Edges of Practice: Thinking Feminist Military Studies and STS Together,” American Studies Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2024

“Tic-Tac-Toe: Mediating National Security in Times of Imperial and State Breakdown,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, Boston, MA, March 2024

Open Panel Series Organizer and Panelist, “Making Sense through Ambiguity: Feminist Negotiations of Intimacy and Distance in Technoscientific Visual Cultures,” Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 2023

“Grammars of Perception and Participation: The Politics of Smart Streetscapes, Surveillance, and Spatial Equity,” International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2023

“On Cops and Computers: Mediating Terror after January 6,” International Communication Association Preconference “Reimagining the Field of Media, War and Conflict in the Age of Information Disorder,” Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2023

“Holding the Liberal Line: On the Metonymic Power of Cops and Computers after January 6,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, Denver, CO, April 2023

Panelist, “Backlash in the Sunshine: Teaching Gender and Race in Florida,” National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 2022.

“Political Gestures of Disinterest and Epistemologies of Surveillance,” presented as part of “Reconsidering the Trace: Alternative Surveillant Epistemologies,” Surveillance & Society conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2022.

Panel Co-organizer and Panelist, “Global Abolition and Anti-Imperialism,” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, February 2022.

Roundtable organizer and panelist, “‘We must lock our digital doors’: Cybersecurity as National Critical Function in the War on Terror,” in “Critical Infrastructure and Empire: From the War on Terror to Standing Rock,” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, October 2021. 

Presenter, “Knowing/Not Knowing Police Power: A Reflection on STS Ethnographic Methods,” Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Virtual Conference, October 2021.

Panelist, “Author Meets Critics: Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job by Gavin Mueller,” Cultural Studies Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, June 2021.

Panelist, “Towards Global Justice in Digital Geography,” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, April 2021. 

Panelist, “Securing through Simulation in the Cyber Ecosystem,” “Imagining Radical Alternatives for an Anti-Security Politics,” Anti-Security 2020 Conference, Carleton University, Canada, November 2020. 

Panelist, “The Border Crisis in Historical Perspective,” The American Historical Association, New York City, NY, January 2020.

Panelist, “The Embattled Urban Ecosystem: The Speculative Value of Racialized Threat in Cyber-Driven Redevelopment,” Society for American City and Regional Planning History 18th National Conference on Planning History, Arlington, VA, November 2019.

Panelist, “Transnational Feminist Cultural Studies of Travel, Militarism, and Empire: A Retirement Symposium in Honor of Caren Kaplan.” University of California, Davis, May 2019.

Presenter, “Cyber Insecurities and the Racial Capitalism of Urban Redevelopment.” “Insecurity Conference,” Center for 21st Century Studies and the College of Letters and Sciences, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, May 2019.

Presenter, “Science and Technologies of Racial Capitalism.” American Association of Geographers, Washington, DC, April 2019.

Paper session co-organizer and presenter, “Ecosystems of Promise and Threat: Cyber Security, Racial Capitalism, and Urban Redevelopment.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2018.

Presenter, “The Promise of Threat: Race, Cyber Security, and Urban Redevelopment in Augusta, Georgia.” American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, LA, April 2018. 

Presenter, “Atmospheric Insurgencies and ‘Aesthetic Portals’ in Postcommodity’s Repellent Fence.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2017.

Presenter, “Shadows of War, Traces of Risk: Preemptive Policing and the Production of Carceral Space in Atlanta, GA.” Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2017.

Paper session co-organizer and presenter, “Wartime Sense-making and Atmospheric Violence at Stone Mountain, GA.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2016.

Presenter, “‘Excessively Crude or Objectionable’: Metadata+ and the (In)Visibility of US Drone Warfare.” Visible Evidence XXIII, Bozeman, MT, August 2016.

 Presenter, “Aerial Dispositions and Atmospheric Politics,” with Caren Kaplan, Eyes in the Skies: Drones and the Politics of Distance Warfare, University of California, Davis, April 2016.

Presenter, “The “Individualization of Warfare” and Border Imaginaries in Contemporary Drone War” American Association of Geographers Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 2016. 

Panel session co-organizer and presenter, “Algorithmic Governance.” American Association of Geographers Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 2016.

Paper session co-organizer and presenter, “Unsettling Critiques of Empire: An Ethics of Entanglement between Feminist and Queer Transnational Studies and Indigenous Feminisms.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Milwaukee, WI, November 2015.

 Presenter, “Ghost Photography in the War on Terror: Manadel al-Jamadi, Abu Ghraib, and the Biopolitics of Detention.” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, October 2015.

 Presenter, “(Im)Material Terror: Anwar al-Awlaki, Pre-Emptive Killing, and the Imagination as Battlefield.” Reconfiguring Global Space: The Geography, Politics, and Ethics of Drone Warfare, Indiana University – Bloomington, July 2015.

Paper session organizer and presenter, “Decolonial Interventions in Occupy Portland: Cinco Sanders and the Settler-Colonial Imaginary.” Cultural Studies Association, University of California, Riverside, May 2015.

Presenter, “Specters of the Strike: Interventions in the Deterritorializing Violence of U.S. Drone Warfare.” American Association of Geographers Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2015.

Student Caucus Panel organizer and presenter, “Specters of Guantánamo in Naveed Mir’s Party Mummy: Interrogating Impossibility and the Hunger-Striking Body.” Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, University of North Carolina Wilmington, March 2014.

Presenter, “The ‘Productive Ambivalence’ of Muslim Masculinity: Rethinking the Space of Affect.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH, November 2013.

Paper session organizer and presenter, “Mohammed the Patriot: Terrorist Drag and the Transformative Work of Affect in Naveed Mir’s The Cinco Sanders Show.” Cultural Studies Association Conference, Columbia College Chicago, May 2013.

Paper session organizer and presenter, “Mohammed the Plumber: Race, Citizenship, and the Transgressive Work of Ambivalence in the Performance Art of Naveed Mir’s The Cinco Sanders Show.” Southeastern Women’s Studies Association Conference, University of North Carolina Greensboro, April 2013.


Panel Chair, Moderator, and Discussant

Moderator and Discussant, “Black Trans Feminism: A Book Celebration with Marquis Bey,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, April 2022.

Moderator and Discussant, “World-Making,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and PJHR Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, April 2022.

Moderator and Discussant, “Technologies / Infrastructures,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and PJHR Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, March 2022.

Moderator and Discussant, “Forgotten Places,” Policing and Carcerality in the Americas Series, Study of the Americas Initiative, with support from the Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights and Center for the Future Mind and PJHR Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, March 2022.

Moderator and Discussant, “Concept Hacking: GPS Ankle Monitors with Nicole Morse,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, February 2022.

Moderator and Discussant, “Concept Hacking: The Humanitarian Drone with Kate Chandler,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, November 2021.

Moderator and Discussant, “Digital Legacies of the War on Terror,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, November 2021.

Moderator and Discussant, “Concept Hacking: Ambient Technology for Analyzing Pedestrian Mobility Patterns in Urban Environments with Jason Hallstrom,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, October 2021.

Moderator and Event Organizer, “Digital Legacies of the War on Terror,” Sensing & Surveillance Initiative, Center for the Future Mind, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Florida Atlantic University, November 2021

Moderator, “Integrity in the Digital Age: Envisioning the Human Future in the Age of Algorithms,” Critical Conversations series, sponsored by the Center for the Future Mind, Department of History, Department of Philosophy, Department of Political Science, and School of Communication and Multimedia Studies (SCMS), Florida Atlantic University, September 2021

Discussant, “Feminism and Tech: Julia Dressel in Conversation with Andrea Miller,” Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Florida Atlantic University, November 2020


Workshops and Working Groups

Director, Feminist Technocultures Lab, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications and College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, 2024–present

Member, Qualitative Research Group, The Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–present

Member, Black Power Archives Collective, 2022–2024

Member and Co-organizer, Data Studies Group, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–2024

Invited Participant, “Situated AI – Global Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice,” Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany, December 2021

Co-chair, Race and Mass Incarceration Faculty Working Group, Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights, Florida Atlantic University, Spring 2021–2022

Graduate Student Affiliate, Critical Militarization, Policing, and Security Studies, Working Group, University of California, Davis, 2014–2020

Graduate Student Affiliate, Feminist Arts and Science Shop, Mellon Foundation Research Initiative, University of California Davis, 2017–2020

Invited Participant, “Policing Rage in the Urban Age of Crisis and Extremes,” Antipode International Workshop, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, May 2019

Graduate Student Affiliate, Comparative Border Studies, Mellon Foundation Research Initiative, University of California, Davis, 2015–2018

Selected Participant, Social Heterogeneity Workshop: Civil War, UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), University of California, Irvine, June 2017

Member, Oakland School of Urban Studies, University of California Humanities Research Initiative Multi-Campus Graduate Working Group, 2015–2016

Graduate Student Participant, Uncommons, a Sawyer Seminar Workshop, University of California, Davis, 2015

Graduate Student Participant, Methods as Unusual, a Sawyer Seminar Workshop, University of

California, Davis, 2015


Interviews and Media Appearances

Albaladejo, Angelika. “Are Police Helicopters Worth the Cost?” Mother Jones and Capital & Main. December 2022,

Invited Guest, “Abolition Geographies: Unpacking the Cyber Ecosystem with Dr. Andrea Miller,” Where do we go from here?: Feminist Approaches to Anti-Blackness Podcast, Women’s Studies Program, Colgate University, February 2021.

Bethany Augliere and Paige Russo, “Researching the World Around Us: Exploring the Relationship Between Technology, Environment and Politics,” Research Daily, Florida Atlantic University Division of Research, February 10, 2021,

Invited Guest, “Policing by Air (with Andrea Miller),” We Be Imagining Podcast, The American Assembly, Columbia University, June 9, 2020,




COMM 484 Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Department of Telecommunications, The Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2024, Spring 2025)

WMNST 301N Sexualities, Gender and Power: Feminist Thought and Politics (Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, Spring 2023, Spring 2024, Spring 2025)

COMM 205 Gender, Diversity, and the Media (Department of Telecommunications, The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2022, Spring 2023)

WMNST 100 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2022)

COMM 2202 Digital Culture (School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Fall 2021)

COMM 4332 Studies in New Media (School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Fall 2020–Fall 2022)

SPC 4712 Gender, Race, and Communication (School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Fall 2020, Spring 2021)

AMS 021 Objects in Everyday Life (Teaching Assistant, American Studies Department, University of California, Davis, Spring 2017)

AMS 030 Images of America and Americans in Popular Culture (Teaching Assistant, American Studies Department, University of California, Davis, Winter 2017)

FMS 001 Introduction to Film Studies (Teaching Assistant, Department of Cinema and Digital Media Studies, University of California, Davis, Fall 2016)

WGSS 2010 Introduction to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies (Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Georgia State University, Fall 2013, Spring 2014)



COMM/WMNST 597 Feminist Technology Studies (Mass Communications and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2023)

WMNST 507 Feminist Theory (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2023)

CST 7309 Intersectionality Theory & Praxis (Comparative Studies PhD, Florida Atlantic University, Fall 2021)


Independent Studies

Everyday Surveillance in (Rural) China and Feminist Ethnography (Individual Studies, Mass Communications PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, Summer 2023)

Cultural Studies of Post-/De-/Anti-Colonialism (Directed Independent Study, Masters in Communication Studies, Florida Atlantic University, Fall 2021)


Invited Guest Lectures

“Data-Driven Policing and the Colonial Database,” IST 402 –Data, Society, and the Environment, College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, April 2023

“From ‘Major’ to ‘Minor Key’: Feminist Studies of Digital Technology and Culture,” COMM 590 – Colloquium, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University, November 2022

“The Queer Politics of Unaccountability,” WST 6934 – Language, Gender, and Sexuality, Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Florida Atlantic University, April 2022

“Toward a Feminist Ethnographic Method,” WMST 202 – Feminist Methodologies: Theory and Praxis, Colgate University, November 2020

“(Im)Material Terror: Incitement to Violence Discourse as Racializing Technology in the War on Terror,” COM 6400 – Introduction to Graduate Study in Communication, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, September 2020

“The Politics and Practices of Drone Warfare,” Sociology 301 (upper-division undergraduate seminar), American River College, May 2017

 “Muñoz’s Disidentifications and Feminist Methodologies,” Feminist Methodologies (graduate seminar), Georgia State University, April 2014



Board Member, The Print Factory, Bellefonte, PA, 2023–present

Editorial Board Member, Big Data & Society, 2021–present

Member, Black Power Archives Collective, 2022–2024

Socialist and Critical Geography Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers (SCGSG), 2017–2022

·       Vice-Chair, SCGSG, 2020–2022

·       Chair, Awards Committee, SCGSG, 2020–2022

·       Co-Chair, Code of Conduct Subcommittee, SCGSG, 2018–2021

·       Graduate Student Representative, SCGSG, 2017–2020

Reviewer, Big Data & Society, 2018–present (8 manuscripts)

Reviewer, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2018–present (2 manuscripts)

Reviewer, American Quarterly, 2021 (1 manuscript)

Reviewer, Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy, 2021 (1 manuscript)

Reviewer, ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 2020–present (2 manuscripts)

Reviewer, The Senses & Society, 2020 (1 manuscript) 

Primary Web Administrator, Oakland School of Urban Studies, University of California Humanities Research Initiative Multi-Campus Graduate Working Group, 2015–2016

Founding Board Member, The Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life, 2012–2015

Student Caucus Co-Chair, Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, 2013–2014



The Pennsylvania State University

Liberal Arts BA in Artificial Intelligence Working Group, Undergraduate Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2024–present

Undergraduate Matters Committee Member, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, to begin Spring 2025

Advisor, Supporting Undergraduate Women in STEM, Student Organizations, The Pennsylvania State University, 2023–present

Mass Communications and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Dual-Title Representative, Graduate Committee, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, 2023–present

Academic Integrity Committee, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–present

Data Studies Group, College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–present

·       Co-Organizer, Data Studies Group, 2023–present

·       Member, Data Studies Group, 2022–2023

Search Committee Member, John and Ann Curley Professor of the First Amendment Studies Search Committee, Department of Journalism, Donald P. Bellisario, 2024

WGSS Awards Committee, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, 2023–2024

WGSS Speaker Series Committee, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, 2022–2023

Search Committee Member, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State University, Fall 2022


Florida Atlantic University

Executive Committee, Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters, Florida Atlantic University, 2021–22

Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters, Florida Atlantic University, 2020–22

Search Committee, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters, Florida Atlantic University, 2021–22

Faculty Advisor, Feminist Graduate Student Association, Florida Atlantic University, 2021–22

Diversity Action Plan Committee, School of Communication & Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, 2021–22

Faculty Associate, Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Florida Atlantic University, 2020–2022

Faculty Affiliate, Center for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights, Florida Atlantic University, 2020–22

Diversity Certificate Ad Hoc Committee, School of Communication & Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, 2020–22

Kenan Trust Ad Hoc Committee, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters, Florida Atlantic University, 2020–2021


University of California, Davis

Graduate Student Representative, Cultural Studies Graduate Group Admissions Committee, University of California, Davis, 2015–2016


Georgia State University

Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Council, College of Arts and Sciences, Georgia State

University, 2013-2014 



Editorial Assistant, Omnia El Shakry, ed. Understanding and Teaching the Modern Middle East, University of Wisconsin Press, 2020

Editorial Assistant, Katherine Chandler, Unmanning: How Humans, Machines and Media Perform Drone Warfare, Rutgers University Press, 2020

Editorial Assistant, Kristopher Fallon, Where Truth Lies: Digital Culture and Documentary Media after 9/11, University of California Press, 2019

Copyeditor, adrienne maree brown, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, AK Press, 2019

Translation Editor (French) and Copyeditor, May Picqueray, translated by Paul Sharkey, My Eighty-One Years of Anarchy, AK Press, 2019

Editorial Assistant, Mario Blaser and Marisol de la Cadena, eds. A World of Many Worlds, Duke University Press, 2018

Editorial Assistant and Indexer, Caren Kaplan, Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime from Above, Duke University Press, 2017

Editorial Assistant and Indexer, Lisa Parks and Caren Kaplan, eds., Life in the Age of Drone Warfare, Duke University Press, 2017

Assistant Editor, Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, 2012–2013

Special Projects Coordinator, Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Carolina Upstate, 2011–2012

Feminist Education Coordinator, Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Carolina Upstate, 2008–2009  



American Studies Association

International Communication Association

National Women’s Studies Association

Society for Cinema and Media Studies

Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)




